Have you found yourself not having a clue, your mind completely blank, and only a big question mark in your head?
OK if that had happened to you, I’m more than happy that you finished here, because I can help you with that!
“?” was born from the idea of me being from a country without a big fashion industry and yet wanting to learn so much about it. I did not know where to start, so I moved to Italy, because ofc why not. While I was studying fashion communication I realized that there were so many different roles in the industry that I didn’t know yet. I realized this because ofc after finishing your studies you ask yourself; “Do you know what you wanna do after graduating? or Where do you want to work? or What do you want to do for work?
So many questions that got me confused so I was just like, why don’t I create a guide where people who are confused like me can watch and read content about fashion. To help them find the most relevant information, I have made a quiz that asks people about their passions and abilities.
So the questionmark website was born from this. It’s a guide for people who are interested in the sector but don’t know where to start, or people who want to learn more about fashion and who are the people that are making the industry move forward today. Fashion is not just about design, it is a huge chain where the work of everyone is interconnected, and questionmark showcases this.
You have a guide and faces of people that are already working in the industry, a true and real insight into what they do and how they started their career, because, don’t worry they were in this situation before.
Hope I can help you, xx